of $5,000 Raised
90th Infantry Division Unit Tribute

This fundraiser is to support the National Museum of the United States Army by purchasing a Unit Tribute plaque honoring the 90th Infantry Division to be placed along the approach to the museum. 

The plaque costs $5,000, and all funds raised will go directly to the Museum's fundraising efforts.

Currently under construction outside of Washington, D.C, the National Museum of the United States Army will be a state-of-the-art facility built as a national landmark honoring America’s Soldiers, preserving the history of America’s oldest military branch, and educating all Americans about the U.S. Army’s role in our nation’s development and preservation. The Museum has developed a new way to gain support, through honoring individual army units such as the 90th Infantry Division..

Measuring 12” (w) x 18” (h) and engraved in polished Mesabi Black granite, individual Unit Tributes will line the Path of Remembrance leading to the Museum.

There are national museums for the U.S. Marines, Navy and Air Force. The nation’s oldest and largest military branch should have its own museum and the Black Cats can once again be a part of making history by helping to make the National Museum of the U.S. Army a national treasure.

If you would like to support the Museum and are a Tough Ombre veteran or want to honor a Tough Ombre veteran, this is a great opportunity to do so. This plaque will be in a prominent location for future generations of visitors to see and will provide well deserved recognition of the dedication and service of the 90th Infantry Division in World War II. Please help the 90th Infantry Division to be permanently honored at this museum!


To donate online, click donate.

To send donations via mail, please make checks out to the National Army Museum Fund and write 90th ID Unit Tribute in the memo line.  Checks can be mailed to:

The Army Historical Foundation, ATTN: Katie Holt, 2425 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201

To make credit card donations via phone, or for questions, call Katie Holt at the Army Historical Foundation at 703-562-4174.

All donations are tax deductible. 

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