of $5,000 Raised
Army G-35 DAMO-SSF Foreign Area Officers

The United States Army established the Foreign Area Officer functional area 48 in 1973 after over 100 years of Army officers serving overeseas as representatives of the Secretary of Defense. This fundraiser's goal is to showcase a historic event that is taking shape along the Potomac River just outside of Washington, DC. A magnificent state-of-the-art facility will be built as a national landmark to honor America’s Soldiers, preserve the history of America’s oldest military branch, and educate all Americans about the Army’s role in our nation’s development.

The National Museum of the U.S. Army will serve as the capstone of the Army Museum System and provide the only comprehensive portrayal of Army history and traditions. The Museum will celebrate the selfless service and sacrifice of over 30 million men and women who have worn the Army uniform since 1775.

We need everyone's help to do it. Including you.

Your contribution will take us one step closer to making the Museum a reality. Please donate to place a FAO plaque on the wall and help support National Museum of the U.S. Army. 

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