of $5,000 Raised
88th Infantry Division

The Blue Devil Association, in conjunction with the National Museum of the United States Army, is planning a Unit Tribute plaque for placement in their Path of Remembrance leading up to the museum. The new museum is being constructed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia; and will have available spaces for Battalion and higher units for this honor.

This is our chance to have a permanent memorial that recognizes the 88th Infantry Division and its accomplishments during the past 100-year history. The plaques are 12” x 18” and engraved in polished Mesabi Black Granite.  It includes a color rending of the Blue Devil Distinctive Unit insignia and would list the campaigns fought in WWI and WWII, as well the names of the three Medal of Honor awardees from World War II.  The National Museum staff is working with us and has final approval authority of the plaque.


A historic event is taking shape along the Potomac River just outside of Washington, DC. A magnificent state-of-the-art facility will be built as a national landmark to honor America’s Soldiers, preserve the history of America’s oldest military branch, and educate all Americans about the Army’s role in our nation’s development.

The National Museum of the U.S. Army will serve as the capstone of the Army Museum System and provide the only comprehensive portrayal of Army history and traditions. The Museum will celebrate the selfless service and sacrifice of over 30 million men and women who have worn the Army uniform since 1775.

We need everyone's help to do it. Including you.

Your contribution will take us one step closer to making the Museum a reality.

 "Go Blue Devils! "

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